Jumat, 10 Juli 2015


Name : Hatimah Fitria
class   : 3eb02
NPM  : 23212365
Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2

1) Penulisan yang benar : Male & Female

2)Penulisan yang benar : Available

3) Penulisan yang benar : Service

4)Penulisan yang benar : Standard

5)Penulisan yang benar : Electric

Jumat, 01 Mei 2015

Question Tags

Question tags are short questions were added at the end of the statement (declarative sentence) to ask for information or request approval.

Formula :
linking verb “be”/auxiliary verb +/- not + pronoun

Specification :
- linking verb "be", namely: is, am, are, was, were, while the primary form of the auxiliary verb auxiliary verb (be, do, have) or modal auxiliary verb (will, would, may, may, MIGHT, can, could, shall, should) matching the verb in the statement.
- Adapted to the subject pronoun in the statement.

Example :
-Winnie  usually gets the bus to college, doesn’t she?
-Irfan’s on holiday until next Monday, isn’t he?
-I’m trying to tell you what happened, aren’t I?

Source :

Causative Have/Get

HAVE = give someone else the responsibility to do something
Grammatical structure:
-HAVE + PERSON + VERB (base form)

Examples of grammatical structure #1:
-I’ll have my assistant call you to reschedule the appointment.
-The businessman had his secretary make copies of the report.
Examples of grammatical structure #2:
-I’m going to have my hair cut tomorrow.
-We’re having our house painted this weekend.
-Bob had his teeth whitened; his smile looks great!
-My washing machine is broken; I need to have it repaired.
Note: In informal speech, we often use get in these cases:
-I’m going to get my hair cut tomorrow.
-We’re getting our house painted this weekend.
-Bob got his teeth whitened; his smile looks great!
-My washing machine is broken; I need to get it repaired.

GET = convince/encourage someone to do something
Grammatical structure:

-How can we get all the employees to arrive on time?
-My husband hates housework; I can never get him to wash the dishes!
-I was nervous about eating sushi, but my brother got me to try it at a Japanese restaurant.
-The non-profit got a professional photographer to take photos at the event for free.

source :

Reflexive Pronouns & Determiner

A. Reflexive Pronouns
The reflexive pronouns (which have the same forms as the intensive pronouns) indicate that the sentence subject also receives the action of the verb. (Students who cheat on this quiz are only hurting themselves. You paid yourself a million dollars? She encouraged herself to do well.) What this means is that whenever there is a reflexive pronoun in a sentence there must be a person to whom that pronoun can "reflect." In other words, the sentence "Please hand that book to myself" would be incorrect because there is no "I" in that sentence for the "myself" to reflect to (and we would use "me" instead of "myself"). A sentence such as "I gave that book to myself for Christmas" might be silly, but it would be correct.

Be alert to a tendency to use reflexive pronoun forms (ending in -self) where they are neither appropriate nor necessary. The inappropriate reflexive form has a wonderful name: the untriggered reflexive. "Myself" tends to sound weightier, more formal, than little ol' me or I, so it has a way of sneaking into sentences where it doesn't belong.
            -Bob and myself I are responsible for this decision.
            -These decisions will be made by myself me.
            -If you have any questions, please contact myself me or Bob Jones.
When pronouns are combined, the reflexive will take either the first person
            -Juanita, Carlos, and I have deceived ourselves into believing in my uncle.
     or, when there is no first person, the second person:
            -You and Carlos have deceived yourselves.
The indefinite pronoun (see above) one has its own reflexive form ("One must have faith in oneself."), but the other indefinite pronouns use either himself or themselves as reflexives. (There is an entire page on the pronoun one.) It is probably better to pluralize and avoid the clumsy himself or herself construction.
            -No one here can blame himself or herself.
            -The people here cannot blame themselves.

B. Determiner
Determiners is the position of word in front of nomina (nouns) to function as noun markers to explain mean of kata benda kata.
Example :
Guitar if you add determiners those, those guitar, we will know the guitar means.
This is some about determiners :

A. Possessives
Example   : your, her, my, his, their, our, its, my parents', whose, dll.
1. His shoes is in the bedroom at three days ago
2. My friends’ is in my parent’s house since morning

B. Quantifier
Example  : A few, much, many, a little, some, any, every, each, dll.
1. Every university student have to good experience
2. Many people needs money to life
3. Some noodle is produced from Indonesian

C. Artikel (a, an, dan the)
1. Playing an games in rest time is good for our mood
2. The good gadget is a iphone still available at the electronic shop
3. A newspaper this morning is about National Examination In Senior High School

D. Ordinal number/bilangan bertingkat : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, dll.
1. The first winner of X Factor Indonesia is Fathin Shidqia
2. My name of second brother is Ilham Syafar Darmawan

E. Demonstrative (this, that, these, those, etc)
1. This basketball used by my friends in Junior High School
2. These view in bromo mount is very beautiful

F. Number/angka: one, two, three, dll.
1. Two books has been bought by my father
2. Two Contestan of Indonesian Idol has been eliminated

source :

Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Active and Pasive sentence

Nama : Hatimah Fitria
Kelas : 3EB02
NPM  : 23212365

1. Active Sentences
Active voice (active voice) is the subject of his sentence which does the job, on the contrary, the passive voice (passive voice) is the subject of his sentence in which the subject of work by the object of the sentence. Active voice is more commonly used in daily life comparedwith the passive voice. However, we often find the passive voice in newspapers, articles inmagazines and scholarly writings. Passive voice is used as the object of the active voice is more important information than its subject.
[Thing doing action] + [verb] + [thing receiving action]

2. Pasive Sentence
In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.
[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]

Example :

-Cynthia ate six shrimp at dinner. (active)
-At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Cynthia. (passive)

-Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah. (active)
-The savannah is roamed by beautiful giraffes. (passive)

-Sue changed the flat tire. (active)
-The flat tire was changed by Sue. (passive)

-We are going to watch a movie tonight. (active)
-A movie is going to be watched by us tonight. (passive)

-I ran the obstacle course in record time. (active)
-The obstacle course was run by me in record time. (passive)

-The crew paved the entire stretch of highway. (active)
-The entire stretch of highway was paved by the crew. (passive)

-Winnie read the novel in one day. (active)
-The novel was read by her in one day. (passive)

-The critic wrote a scathing review. (active)
-A scathing review was written by the critic. (passive)

-I will clean the house every Saturday. (active)
-The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday. (passive)

-The staff is required to watch a safety video every year. (active)
-A safety video will be watched by the staff every year. (passive)

source :

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015


Nama  : Hatimah Fitria
Kelas  : 3EB02
NPM  : 23212365

1. Penggunaan kata dan perbedaan dari some, any, many, much, a lot of, a few.

1. Some
Some are used in a positive sentence. Some can be used for countable and uncountable nouns objects. Some are not used in negative sentences or questions.
- Father brought some apples yesterday.
- The seller pour some milk into the porridge.

2. Any
Any used only in negative sentences and sentence questions / interrogative. In the negative or interrogative sentence is not allowed to wear some, as well as any words should not be placed in the positive. After any, we can put countable or uncountable nouns. If the noun is a noun that can be calculated / countable noun and more than one, then the noun that too must be plural / plural.
[ - ] Father doesn’t buy any apples.
[ ? ] Do yo have any money ?

3. Many
It is used for objects that can not be calculated (uncountable).
[ + ] Cynthia has many T-shirt in the cupboard.
[ - ] There are not many chairs in the classroom.
[ ? ] Do you see many desks in the classroom ?

4. Much
It is used for objects that can be calculated (countable)
[ + ] There is much ink in the bottle.
[ - ] I don’t have much money anymore.
[ ? ] Does mother need much salt.

5. A lot of
This word is used both for countable or uncountable, but only in the positive and negative sentences.
-There are a lot of shoes in the shoe shop.
- Winnie needs a lot of money to buy a car.

6. A few
This word is used for objects that can be calculated and the meaning of a few few or little.
-A few children
-A few house
-A few cats

2. Perbedaan dan pengucapan "a, an, the"

A = When to use the prefix " a " in the preparation of a word ? Typically , " a " is used for nouns   beginning consonant , eg Zoo .The word Zoo added prefixes to express a word to become " a zoo " .Similarly, for words such as a bike , a chair , a mountain , a rules and a book .

An = The prefix " An " is used for nouns that begin vowels , including the mention of the word itself . For example , the word apple , egg idiot and that everything must start " early " to be an apple , an idiot and an egg .One point of difference in the use of a, an , and the in English , which is a vowel , usually for words that begin with the letter a, i , u , e and o . While the words begin with the letter " u " but do not read as vowels do not use the prefix " late " but rather " a " ,an example of "a unique person" .

The = The prefix " the " commonly used in giving names such as rivers , oceans and seas (eg the Mississippi River ) , bay ( the Bay of Bengal ) , peninsula ( the Arabian Peninsula ) , mountains ( the Bukit Barisan ) , polar (the South Pole ), geographic region (the South East Asia ) , deserts and forests ( the Gobi Desert ) .
The use of the prefix " the " usual in situations of certain words , especially refers to the noun more specific example ,
  " Let's read the book " which means " let's read the book " , clearly more specific than the phrase
   " Let's read a book " which means " let's read a book

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

Surat Resmi

Surat resmi adalah surat yang digunakan untuk kepentingan resmi, baik perseorangan, instansi, maupun organisasi; misalnya undangan, surat edaran, dan surat pemberitahuan. Ciri-ciri surat resmi :

-Menggunakan kop surat apabila dikeluarkan organisasi
-Ada nomor surat, lampiran, dan perihal
-Menggunakan salam pembuka dan penutup yang lazim
-Penggunaan ragam bahasa resmi
-Menyertakan cap atau stempel dari lembaga resmi
-Ada aturan format baku

Bagian-bagian surat resmi:

Kepala/kop surat

Kop surat terdiri dari:
-Nama instansi/lembaga, ditulis dengan huruf kapital/huruf besar.
-Alamat instansi/lembaga, ditulis dengan variasi huruf besar dan kecil
-Logo instansi/lembaga
-Nomor surat, yakni urutan surat yang dikirimkan
-Lampiran, berisi lembaran lain yang disertakan selain surat
-Hal, berupa garis besar isi surat
-Tanggal surat (penulisan di sebelah kanan sejajar dengan nomor surat)
-Alamat yang dituju (jangan gunakan kata kepada)
-Pembuka/salam pembuka (diakhiri tanda koma)

Isi surat
Uraian isi berupa uraian hari, tanggal, waktu, tempat, dan sebagainya ditulis dengan huruf kecil, terkecuali penulisan berdasarkan ejaan yang disempurnakan (EYD) haruslah menyesuaikan.

Penutup surat
Penutup surat, berisi :
-salam penutup
-tanda tangan
-nama (biasanya disertai nomor induk pegawai atau NIP)

contoh surat resmi : 

SMA Negeri 1 Bogor
Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No. 17 Bogor
No. Telp. (0251) 8321798

Bogor,  27 Agustus 2014
No : 27/SMAN 1 Bogor/08/2014                                     
Lampiran : -
Perihal : Undangan

Orang tua/Wali Murid Kelas XII
SMA Negeri 1 Bogor

Dengan hormat,
Dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan para siswa siswi SMAN 1 Bogor Khususnya kelas XII. Maka pada surat kali ini kami selaku badan pendidikan sekolah kami tercinta, bermaksud mengadakan studi lapangan bagi siswa siswi baik IPS maupun IPA di luar sekolah. Adapun acara tersebut akan kami laksanakan pada :

Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 30 Agustus  2014
Pukul : 08.45 s.d. 12.45
Tempat : Kebun Raya, Bogor
Acara :  Penelitian Tumbuh-tumbuhan Langka

Demikian surat pemberitahuan ini kami sampaikan, atas segala perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Kepala Sekolah
SMAN 1 Bogor
Amalia Fauhanisa, S.Pd

sumber :